Brazilian factories export more than 1 Billion dollars a year to many countries around the world, consolidating its position as one of the largest and most important source of quality furniture.

The furniture industry in Brazil consists of more than 16,000 manufacturers distributed in several production centers being the state of Santa Catarina in charge of 50% of everything that is exported from Brazil. It’s just not a coincidence, but Santa Catarina is the state where Unimark is situated.

Brazilian furniture factories have upgraded technology to increase productivity bringing the most modern equipments from the best suppliers from North America and Europe. Brazil´s main difference is the quality of its workers´ skills. Its export tradition and constant search for perfection along with investments in training and human resources, guarantee excellent levels of finishing and durability, not forgetting the design that is viewed not only as an element that will improve the furniture, but also as a unique element to the manufacturing process, something as important as wood or any other material used in the furniture construction.

Last but not least, Brazil holds more than 6 million hectares of forest in sustainable sources alone, 3 million Hectares of eucalyptus, 2 million in Pine and 50 million hectares of other species. These numbers are even more impressive when we talk about the largest tropical forest in the world with 550 million hectares.

Come on in and discover what Brazilian Furniture factories have to offer.